Use "per capita|per caput" in a sentence

1. It is shown that per capita energy consumption relates to per capita income, average number of persons per household(, and per capita output of crops.

2. It's basically two ratios of per capita GDP, per capita gross domestic product, so average income.

3. (a) Low per capita income adjustment

4. GDP per capita (purchasing power parity)

5. Last in Europe GDP per capita.

6. Since 1975 the consumption of beef has decreased from 89 pounds per capita to 5 pounds per capita.

7. � FAO defines absolute water scarcity as less than 500 cubic metres per year per capita, and stress conditions as between 500 and 1,000 cubic metres per year per capita.

8. In 2001, the average yearly fish consumption was 32.4 kg per capita and provided on average 10–14 grams of protein per capita per day.

9. Our per capita electricity consumption must rise.

10. Carbon- dioxide emission, metric ton per capita.

11. Per capita income rose sharply last year.

12. Carbon-dioxide emission, metric ton per capita.

13. Per capita incomes rose sharply last year.

14. Per capita income rose by 2% last year.

15. Average per capita debt-adjusted gross national income

16. They have the world's largest per capita income.

17. Many countries precede ours in per capita income.

18. Global vehicle ownership per capita in 2010 was 148 vehicles in operation per 1000 people.

19. The per capita income for the city was $22,060.

20. Per capita income is a better, if imperfect, pointer.

21. Per capita food consumption was sustained but not increased.

22. New, more costly technologies constantly escalate per capita costs.

23. Per capita water availability has reduced significantly from around 2000 cubic meters per capita in the year 2000 to about 1500 cubic metres today.

24. The per capita income was $ # in # and # per cent of the population lives in absolute poverty

25. Behaviouralism believed in per capita or per individual study whereas Quantitative Revolution was based on gross generalization

26. Institutions in countries with GNI per capita from $1000-$3000 (AGORA Band 2) pay a fee of $1000 per year per institution.

27. Among the states Connecticut has a high per capita income.

28. Are employment levels and per capita income at suitable levels?

29. It has the highest per capita use of cellular phones.

30. It ranked eighth nationally in per capita income last year.

31. The per capita income in the country is very low.

32. On a per capita basis, this is matched by current digital storage (5x10^21 bytes per 7.2x10^9 people)".

33. Estimated annual per caput effective dose of ionizing radiation worldwide from atomic bomb tests

34. The GDP per capita though is well below Korea national average.

35. Per capita total expenditure at average exchange rate was US$52.

36. Black per capita income overall was 56 percent of white income.

37. With a higher poverty line of US$2 per-capita per day, poverty declined by one-quarter to 57.3%.

38. The per capita income was $465 in 2005, and 44.8 per cent of the population lives in absolute poverty.

39. By 200 China's per capita GNP of India is at least twice.

40. Economists emphasize measurable quantities — the number of jobs, the per capita income.

41. Table 4: Per capita GDP in purchasing power parity terms (in ECU)

42. Well we've shown you that GNP per capita doesn't make any difference.

43. Israel has the highest number of museums per capita in the world.

44. So it'll show you GDP per capita, population, longevity, that's about it.

45. Whenever population is growing faster than income, per capita income must fall.

46. GNP per capita hit an all-times record of $5.008 in 2005.

47. Per capita, Bunkered is the best selling golf title in the UK

48. In that year, real GDP per capita calculated in purchasing power parity (PPP)

49. Eggs Per capita egg consumption has continued to decline in the past decade.

50. Brunei is among the largest consumers of fish per capita in the world

51. Government expenditure on health was at US$268 per capita (PPP) in 2006.

52. Median per capita income has been flat since about 2000, adjusted for inflation.

53. And these are countries from United States here, with $40, 000 per capita,

54. France and Germany invest far more per capita in public transport than Britain.

55. The incidence of absolute poverty has declined and per capita incomes have risen.

56. China is still poor, with a per capita GNP of only US $ 300.

57. India’s per capita income, according to the recent survey, doubled in the last seven years, the sharpest rise being in the last five; inflation adjusted rise in per capita income would be 50%.

58. Purchasing power parity (PPP) and GDP per capita as defined in Human Development Reports

59. Other countries spend much more both on an absolute and a per-capita basis.

60. Per capita personal income is down after inflation and taxes are taken into account

61. Now we're going to change and look at the level of per capita income.

62. Its per capita personal income in 2009 was $36,484, ranking 29th in the nation.

63. The per-capita energy consumption is less than a third of the global average.

64. Harrison County has the sixth highest per capita income in the State of Mississippi.

65. 19 France and Germany invest far more per capita in public transport than Britain.

66. The state of Connecticut is ranked 43rd in Coroners & Medical Examiners per capita, and 14th in Coroners & Medical Examiners per square mile.

67. Adjusted gross disposable income of households in real terms (PPS per capita: Index 2008=100)

68. We travel, change professions, know more and live longer per capita than any previous generation.

69. He confirms the finding of manyothers that per capita income is strongly related to democracy.

70. Still, with the population growing at 2 percent annually, per capita economic growth is negligible.

71. Abbreviations: DBA, debt-burden adjustment; GNI, gross national income; LPCIA, low per capita income adjustment.

72. With a gross domestic product of $ # per capita in # abon is a middle-income country

73. The bigger you are systematically, according to very well-defined rules, less energy per capita.

74. Total crime per capita is 10th out of the 60 countries in the data set.

75. But in absolute terms , at a per capita income of $ 485 , a 4.5 per cent growth means an increase of around $ 21.82 , or Rs 1,047 .

76. Summi est momenti pro vita spirituali quae per ministeriale explicatur exercitium, ut presbyter indesinenter renovet atque profundiorem efficiat conscientiam esse se Christi Iesu administrum, idque per sacramentalem consecrationem et per Conformationem Eius qui Ecclesiae est Caput et Pastor.

77. The per capita cost adjusted for inflation was higher in 2001-02 than in 2005-06.

78. Nonetheless, the per capita income is below the average for the 50 cities in our analysis.

79. According to estimates by the Ministry of Water `the per capita availability of water in the country is 1545 cubic meters as per the 2011 census.

80. Thus, private car ownership in the country is the fifth highest per capita in the world.